Fair Use & Copyright — Information for Users
You are free to download and share, copy, distribute and transmit digital content found on the DRC under the following conditions:
- Your intended use is for educational and research purposes and not commercial purposes.
- You include citations to the source of the content.
- You do not modify or alter content found on the DRC, unless a license statement linked to the content specifies that modifications are allowed.
- If a collection’s access is restricted, for example to University of Cincinnati staff, students or faculty, then you should follow those restrictions when sharing content with others.
- Contributors to the DRC may obtain a Creative Commons license governing use of their digital content, such as this example. If a Creative Commons license applies, it will be linked to the DRC record for the digital object. Occasionally contributors may state in their Creative Commons license that they allow commercial use and⁄or modifications of their content.
The University of Cincinnati reserves the right to pursue appropriate remedies should infringements of this policy occur.
More Information:
Have questions about citing sources, copyright, and fair use? Please see www.libraries.uc.edu/copyright