How to open these files: 1) to open the zip folder which contains the georeferenced file and associated files, first unzip (or extract) the folder. Then, go to your Arc GIS or similar remote sensing software and instead of using the "Open" option, use the "add" option which should be somewhere in your tool bar of the software (mostly the top bar containing all your tools). Then click in the "add" option and go to your folder. select the main file with .img extension (do not double click the .img file). Select "Open" and congrats you are done. The map will be displayed on your GIS software window. 2) to open the kml/kmz file, you must have "Google earth" or "Google Earth Pro" installed in your computer. Then double click or right click the file and it will take you straight to your map in Google Earth. If your maps shows missing blocks, then please uncheck the "3D buildings" option in your "Google Earth". "3D buildings" option is generally located bottom left side of the 'Side bar". Your kml/kmz map wouldn’t work properly with 3D building on. For best result also set your elevation to 1. Go to or tools >> option >> elevation exaggeration >> set it to 1 or 1.5 >> apply >> ok. 3) to open the .jpg and .tiff files (200 dpi) you can double click or right click and open in any photo software